The goal of COPD management are:
- Touch ups the ability of people with symptoms mengatasiu not only in the acute phase, but also the chronic phase.
- Improving the ability of the patient in carrying out daily activities.
- Reducing the rate of progression of disease if the disease can be detected early.
Management of COPD in the elderly are as follows:

- Etiological factors negate / precipitation, for example immediately stop smoking, avoid air pollution.
- Cleaning the bronchial secretions to help in various ways.
- Eradicate the infection with antimicrobial. In the absence of antimicrobial infections need not be given. Provision of appropriate antimicrobial should be in accordance with the germs that cause infections according to the results of sensitivity testing or empirical treatment.
- Overcome bronchospasm with bronchodilator drugs. The use of corticosteroids to resolve the inflammatory process (bronchospasm) is still controversial.
- Symptomatic treatment.
- Treatment of the complications that arise.
- Oxygen treatment, for those who need. Oxygen should be administered with a slow flow of 1-2 liters / minute.
- Rehabilitation actions which include:
- Physiotherapy, mainly aims to help the expenditure of bronchial secretions.
- Breathing exercises, to train the patient in order to make the most effective breathing.
- Exercise with weights oalh particular sport, with the aim to restore physical fitness.
- Vocational guidance, the work done against the patient can re-do their previous occupation.
- Psychosocial management, primarily intended for patient self-adjustment to her illness.
COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease)
Tags : Management of COPD, COPD treatment, The goal of COPD management,
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