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Bowel prolapse is when the uterus drops down into the vagina. This is the second most common type of prolapse and is classified into three classes depending on how far the womb has fallen. It can be shown by the heavy interest in the pelvic area and a feeling that something is falling out.

Bowel prolapse occurs when the top of the vagina (vaginal dome) fall in on itself. This can only occur after a hysterectomy (removal of uterus). Specific symptoms that can occur with all types of prolapse feel a lump or heavy sensation in the vagina, lower back pain that makes it easy when you lie down, pelvic pain or pressure, pain or lack of sensation during intercourse. You should visit your doctor immediately if you experience these symptoms. Kegel and pelvic floor exercises - because prevention is always better than cure.

For colon rectal prolapse, the use of natural stool softener is a good choice. A stool softener can reduce constipation and promote bowel movements. A softened stool does not provide any pressure on the rectum during bowel movements, making it impossible to exacerbate the problem. To get rid of constipation is very important to remove the prolapsed rectum. Form of treatment is successful, only if the condition is detected in early stages of development.

It is often observed that patients experienced temporary relief with a stool softener but with time, the condition progresses to intestinal prolapse. Surgical procedure involves either removing the rectum protrudes through the incision or reattaching to the bony structure, known as the sacrum (tailbone). In some patients, especially in children, doctors try to manually push the prolapse of the intestine back to its original position. Use of anti-inflammatory drugs and ointments are an integral part of the treatment of rectal prolapse, to reduce swelling and pain associated with defecation.
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