5 Mayıs 2012 Cumartesi

Copd Life Expectancy

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You have to remain optimistic to get rid of, because purple pineapple shells (L. discolor Hance Rhoeo it.) Drugs Proven COPD. How to use: an ornamental plant as many as 10 pieces of pineapple shells, washed, chopped into small pieces and then steamed / steamed until cooked. Water is taken and the leaves are eaten as a vegetable until they run out. Do it every day until healed.COPD (Chronic Pulmonary Disease Obstrutive} or commonly known as Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD). COPD is a chronic lung disease (in a long time) that can be prevented, it can not recover completely due to the limitations of the airway (obstruction). Limitations of this airway can be measured using spirometry. How to use spirometry is to exhale as strong strong in these tools.
At first the mucus out of the firm, then a little liquid resembling pus. Behind the breast bone pain. Sometimes breathing when you hear a "GRR-GRR '(like snoring). If the disease worsens, the body will fever and shortness of breath. Usually frequent cold sweat, even at night. Unpleasant breath odor hardware (like the smell of carbide).

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