6 Mayıs 2012 Pazar
Mycobacterium Tuberculosis Symptoms
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Tuberculosis is an infectious disease that is feared. In the world of this disease is a killer disease. 6. Tuberculosis is feared because it is fairly easy transmission through the usual media is all around us as well tuberculosis was greatly feared because many causes of death. Systemically in general, people will have a fever. Fever took place in the afternoon and evening, accompanied by cold sweat even without activity, and sometimes lost. These symptoms will arise again several months later like a fever, normal influenza, and then recovered as if there is no fever. Other symptoms are malaise (feeling depressed) is a chronic prolonged, accompanied by a sense of not fit, malaise, weakness, lethargy, fatigue, decreased appetite, losing weight loss, dizziness, and fatigue. There are systemic symptoms in both pulmonary TB and TB affecting other organs.
The repiratorik symptoms or respiratory symptoms were cough. Cough can last continuously for 3 mingggu or more. This happens when it involves brochus. Other respiratory symptoms were productive cough in an attempt to get rid of the inflammation excretion of phlegm or sputum. This is sometimes purulent sputum. Respiratory symptoms are sometimes characterized by coughing up blood. This is caused by ruptured blood vessels, a result that has been wound up in the alveoli. Coughing up blood which often brings the patient went to the doctor. If the damage is widespread, and breathing difficulties arise when the pleura is exposed, it is accompanied by pain in the chest.

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